جميع المواضيع

Monday, July 21, 2014

أنا ابن الجراح لتسمع
أنا ابن الكمد لتركع،

لكبريائي شامخات وتخنع
أنا فلسطيني، و أرفع،
رايات عز بلادي و أترفع
هويتي عنواني، وبها أقمع،
لسان حاسد او خائن يتقرقع

ترابنا بالتاريخ يتكلم ويصدع
ودمنا فوق غيمات السما يصطع
نعيش على أرض بالرجال تنبع
واذا ما نادتنا الوغى نحن لها أبضع

قل ما شئت، وبالتاريخ تصنَّع
شرفنا رفيع و بأيدينا المستقبل نصنع
نحن هنا بالصمود نتغنى وننجع
قلوبنا برغم القهر من العالم أشجع

زائرنا بالسهل على قلوبنا يتربع
وجدنا بالعز غدانا وفينا ترعرع
نحن هاهنا باقون و أبدا لن نركع!

بقلم.. نائل خضر

فخر الفلسطيني

أنا ابن الجراح لتسمع
أنا ابن الكمد لتركع،

لكبريائي شامخات وتخنع
أنا فلسطيني، و أرفع،
رايات عز بلادي و أترفع
هويتي عنواني، وبها أقمع،
لسان حاسد او خائن يتقرقع

ترابنا بالتاريخ يتكلم ويصدع
ودمنا فوق غيمات السما يصطع
نعيش على أرض بالرجال تنبع
واذا ما نادتنا الوغى نحن لها أبضع

قل ما شئت، وبالتاريخ تصنَّع
شرفنا رفيع و بأيدينا المستقبل نصنع
نحن هنا بالصمود نتغنى وننجع
قلوبنا برغم القهر من العالم أشجع

زائرنا بالسهل على قلوبنا يتربع
وجدنا بالعز غدانا وفينا ترعرع
نحن هاهنا باقون و أبدا لن نركع!

بقلم.. نائل خضر

نشر في : 4:15 PM |  من طرف Nael Khader

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Why so wan and pale, 
your left leg walks on a memory,
lost between clouds and dust.
The other leg wipes the sorrows under.
How old are you?, I ask.
How old am I? You answer.
Where are your family and friends?
Where is the world? you answer.
Live free or die hard my brother,
their wasps will no longer bother.

To a lost leg!
by Nael Khader

To a lost leg! #GazaUnderAttack

Why so wan and pale, 
your left leg walks on a memory,
lost between clouds and dust.
The other leg wipes the sorrows under.
How old are you?, I ask.
How old am I? You answer.
Where are your family and friends?
Where is the world? you answer.
Live free or die hard my brother,
their wasps will no longer bother.

To a lost leg!
by Nael Khader

نشر في : 12:11 PM |  من طرف Nael Khader

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نرحب بتعليقاتكم

وكأنَّ القمر إنشق
وحتى النهار وَسَق
ومن أروحنا طلع الشَّفق
والساق بالساق إلتصق
ورَكِبَنا العدو طبقا عن طبق

ربنا اغفر وارحم وانتصر
وافتح السماء بجمر منهمر
على قاتل النبي وللطفل محتقر

اجعلنا اللهم من أهل اليمين
وثبت أقدامنا وانصرنا على الكافرين
فإن متنا فانين، إليك مردودين
فتوفنا اللهم برحمتك مسلمين!

يومُ موتٍ في غزة

يوم موتٍ في غزة

وكأنَّ القمر إنشق
وحتى النهار وَسَق
ومن أروحنا طلع الشَّفق
والساق بالساق إلتصق
ورَكِبَنا العدو طبقا عن طبق

ربنا اغفر وارحم وانتصر
وافتح السماء بجمر منهمر
على قاتل النبي وللطفل محتقر

اجعلنا اللهم من أهل اليمين
وثبت أقدامنا وانصرنا على الكافرين
فإن متنا فانين، إليك مردودين
فتوفنا اللهم برحمتك مسلمين!

يومُ موتٍ في غزة

نشر في : 12:07 PM |  من طرف Nael Khader

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نرحب بتعليقاتكم

Israel commits genocide against the Palestinian Civilians. As a high party signatory to the Fourth Geneva Convention, Israel has to abide to all the provisions of the convention and the International Community shall make Israel stop this massacre and stop being silent.

Here is Article 15 from the 4th Geneva Convention:
Article 15
Any Party to the conflict may, either direct or through a neutral State or some humanitarian organization, propose to the adverse Party to establish, in the regions where fighting is taking place, neutralized zones intended to shelter from the effects of war the following persons, without distinction:
a) wounded and sick combatants or non-combatants;b) civilian persons who take no part in hostilities, and who, while they reside in the zones, perform no work of a military character.
When the Parties concerned have agreed upon the geographical position, ad- ministration, food supply and supervision of the proposed neutralized zone, a written agreement shall be concluded and signed by the representatives of the Parties to the conflict. The agreement shall fix the beginning and the duration of the neutralization of the zone.

Israel violates all international treaties and moral values. The continuous aggression against the Gaza Strip committing genocides against civilians and demolishing inhabited houses is a prove for a total violation of all articles in the Fourth Geneva Convention 1949. It worth mentioning that Israel is one of the high parties signatory to the convention and the International Community bears responsibility in this violation, as they shall stop this aggression all by legal and moral values of the treaties signed.
Please Share this post for a legal awareness of our just cause.

Here is article 16 of the 4th Geneva Convention

Article 16 (Wounded and sick I. General protection):
The wounded and sick, as well as the infirm, and expectant mothers, shall be the object of particular protection and respect.
As far as military considerations allow, each Party to the conflict shall facilitate the steps taken to search for the killed and wounded, to assist the shipwrecked and other persons exposed to grave danger, and to protect them against pillage and ill-treatment.

The Israeli aggression against the Palestinian civilians in Gaza is a total violation for all international moral and legal codes.

Israel commits genocide against the Palestinian Civilians. As a high party signatory to the Fourth Geneva Convention, Israel has to abide to all the provisions of the convention and the International Community shall make Israel stop this massacre and stop being silent.

Here is Article 15 from the 4th Geneva Convention:
Article 15
Any Party to the conflict may, either direct or through a neutral State or some humanitarian organization, propose to the adverse Party to establish, in the regions where fighting is taking place, neutralized zones intended to shelter from the effects of war the following persons, without distinction:
a) wounded and sick combatants or non-combatants;b) civilian persons who take no part in hostilities, and who, while they reside in the zones, perform no work of a military character.
When the Parties concerned have agreed upon the geographical position, ad- ministration, food supply and supervision of the proposed neutralized zone, a written agreement shall be concluded and signed by the representatives of the Parties to the conflict. The agreement shall fix the beginning and the duration of the neutralization of the zone.

Israel violates all international treaties and moral values. The continuous aggression against the Gaza Strip committing genocides against civilians and demolishing inhabited houses is a prove for a total violation of all articles in the Fourth Geneva Convention 1949. It worth mentioning that Israel is one of the high parties signatory to the convention and the International Community bears responsibility in this violation, as they shall stop this aggression all by legal and moral values of the treaties signed.
Please Share this post for a legal awareness of our just cause.

Here is article 16 of the 4th Geneva Convention

Article 16 (Wounded and sick I. General protection):
The wounded and sick, as well as the infirm, and expectant mothers, shall be the object of particular protection and respect.
As far as military considerations allow, each Party to the conflict shall facilitate the steps taken to search for the killed and wounded, to assist the shipwrecked and other persons exposed to grave danger, and to protect them against pillage and ill-treatment.

نشر في : 12:03 PM |  من طرف Nael Khader

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